"""Utility functions used by different parts of bigbluebutton2"""
from typing import Any
from inflection import camelize, underscore
[docs]def snake_to_camel(snake: str) -> str:
"""Convert PEP-8 complicant snake case name to special lower camel case.
>>> snake_to_camel("test_string")
>>> snake_to_camel("meeting_id")
all_caps = ("Url", "Pw", "Id")
camel = camelize(snake, False)
for word in all_caps:
camel = camel.replace(word, word.upper())
return camel
[docs]def camel_to_snake(camel: str) -> str:
"""Convert camel or lower camel case name to PEP-8 compliant snake case used in our classes.
>>> camel_to_snake("meetingID")
return underscore(camel)
[docs]def get_target_type(cls: type, attr: str) -> type:
"""Guess the type of a field in a class by looking at its type annotation.
It either returns the type hint itself, or the first type argument if
it is a composite (e.g. int for a typing.Union[int, float] or a
WARNING: This is not generic code, but tailored to the use cases in the
specific data classes in this code base.
type_ = cls.__annotations__[attr]
if hasattr(type_, "__args__"):
type_ = type_.__args__[0]
return type_
[docs]def to_field_type(cls: Any, attr: str, value: str) -> Any:
"""Convert a string value to a type fitting the type of a field by looking at its type hint."""
type_ = get_target_type(cls, attr)
if type_ is bool:
if value.lower() in ("true", "yes", "on", "1"):
return True
elif value.lower() in ("false", "no", "off", "0"):
return False
return ValueError(f"String {value} can not be coerced into a boolean.")
return type_(value)