"""Models for integrating BigBLueButton API with Django.
These models are intended for persisting data that is needed for setting up
access to any BigBlueButton servers, and for (re-)creating meetings on these
servers. Normally, all other data, i.e. that represents live state, is fetched
from the API directly and not persisted.
import uuid
from django.contrib.sites.managers import CurrentSiteManager
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from ..api.bigbluebutton import BigBlueButton as _BigBlueButton
from ..api.bigbluebutton import BigBlueButtonGroup as _BigBlueButtonGroup
from ..api.meeting import Meeting as _Meeting
from . import settings
[docs]class Meeting(models.Model):
"""Configuation for a BigBlueButton meeting.
See the documentation of the :class:`~bigbluebutton.api.meeting.Meeting`
in the main API module for most details.
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Meeting name"), max_length=60)
welcome_message = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("Welcome message"), blank=True)
moderator_message = models.TextField(
verbose_name=_("Welcome message for moderators"), blank=True
max_participants = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
verbose_name=_("Maximum number of participants"), default=0
api = models.ForeignKey("BigBlueButton", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="meetings")
guid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid1, editable=False)
_meeting = None
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.name
[docs] @classmethod
def from_api(cls, api: _BigBlueButton, meeting: _Meeting) -> "Meeting":
"""Create a persistent meeting object from the live API.
This can be used to retroactively persist a
:class:`~bigbluebutton.api.meeting.Meeting` object object that was not created
by the Django application.
obj, created = cls.update_or_create(
"welcome_message": meeting.welcome,
"moderator_message": meeting.moderator_only_message,
"max_participants": meeting.max_participants,
obj._meeting = meeting
return obj
def meeting(self) -> _Meeting:
"""The real :class:`~bigbluebutton.api.meeting.Meeting` API object.
Use this object to operate on any live data. It is created on the first request and
then cached.
if self._meeting is None:
self._meeting = self.api.api.create_meeting(
return self._meeting
def meeting_id(self) -> str:
"""Internal meeting ID as used by BigBlueButton.
If a :class:`~bigbluebutton.api.meeting.Meeting` object is already linked and
has an ID, it is returned. If not, a new ID is generated and stored in the
linked Meeting object, if any. This means that the ID is stable once it was
transported to the API.
if self._meeting and self._meeting.meeting_id:
return self._meeting.meeting_id
meeting_id = settings.MEETING_ID_CALLBACK(self)
if self._meeting:
self._meeting.meeting_id = meeting_id
return meeting_id
[docs] def join(self, user: "User", do_join: bool = False) -> str:
"""Join a Django user to this meeting.
Generate an :class:`~bigbluebutton.api.attendee.Attendee` object from a Django
user and asks the API to join it to the meeting. To generate the Attendee object,
the function defined in the `BBB_ATTENDEE_CALLBACK` setting is called, defaulting to
:param user: The Django user object of the user to join as attendee
:param do_join: Handle the join request server-side. Defaults to False, so the
client browser can request the actual join
:return: The result of the :meth:`~bigbluebutton.api.attendee.Attendee.join` method
from the main API
attendee = user.bbb_get_attendee(self)
return attendee.join(do_join=do_join)
class Meta:
permissions = [
("join_as_attendee", _("Can join this meeting with viewer role")),
("join_as_moderator", _("Can join this meeting with moderator role")),
("grant_attendee", _("Can grant attendee privileges to others")),
("grant_moderator", _("Can grant moderator privileges to others")),
("add_urls", _("Can add new URLs for this meeting")),
[docs]class APIToken(models.Model):
"""An API token when using the proxy capabilities of bigbluebutton2.
This is used to authenticate and authorise requests in the
:class:`~bigbluebutton.django.views.APIView` that can be used to handle
HTTP requests to the Django application that resemble the original BigBlueButton API,
e.g. when creating a proxy or load balancer, and when these requests shall be linked
to permissions in Django.
:param name: Human-readable display name for the token
:param salt: The API salt/secret key for this token; see
for details
:param server_group: The server group to forward requests to after successful authorisation
:param user: The Django user linked to this token, if the user scope is used
:param scope: The scope of this token, used to determine what data is returned in requests
that handle existing meeting data
("token", _("Data associated to this token")),
("user", _("Data associated to the owning user")),
("global", _("All data")),
name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("Descriptive name"), max_length=60, unique=True)
salt = models.CharField(verbose_name=_("API salt"), max_length=60, unique=True)
server_group = models.ForeignKey(BigBlueButtonGroup, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
user = models.ForeignKey(
verbose_name=_("User owning this token"),
scope = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_("Privilege scope"), choices=SCOPE_CHOICES, max_length=15, default="token"
guid = models.UUIDField(default=uuid.uuid1, editable=False)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.name
[docs] def clean(self) -> None:
"""Ensure a user is linked when the user scope is selected."""
if self.scope == "user" and not self.user:
raise ValidationError(_("A user must be selected to use the user scope."))